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    Narendra Singh Dhami

    Very well researched and scientific facts are described by you sir. I don’t have that deep knowledge about geology but I can understand a little bit that drinkable water is in danger and shrinking everyday by day.
    I take oath not to waste water and not to pollute a single drop of water and will start a step towards saving water and aware people’s not to destroy our sources.

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    Dr. Lata

    Article is full of latest facts and deep research….. Solid and informative…… With impressive language for hindi lovers and readers 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾

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    Abhishek Gupta

    बहुत सूचनाप्रद् और भूजल के बेतहाशा दोहन के दुष्परिणामों से परिचित कराने वाला लेख

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